Vape Pens | Cartridge Battery

As the hype around smoking, concentrates, and oils heats up, so has the popularity of vape pens. While vaping has been around for ages, it has recently (over the last decade) skyrocketed in popularity as a purer, healthier way to enjoy “smoking” without the need for actual smoke or combustion.

Cartridge Batteries

Whether you're into vaping herbs, oils, or both, a vape pen has a range of benefits that anyone can enjoy. Read on to learn more & find one's from Hemper, like the buah vape battery

Vaping Is Healthier

A vape pen doesn’t “burn” your herb, oils, or e-juices, meaning the toxic, irritating, and carcinogenic “smoke” normally associate with smoking herb or tobacco products is absent. This makes using a vape pen a clear winner for those of us that are health-conscious but still want to enjoy our herbs or tobacco.

Vape Pens are Portable

Other devices can be bulky or difficult to store, but not these. As small as a cigarette or lighter (depending on the model), these compact devices can be easily stored in your pocket or in your purse, making them a favorite while on the go or while at work.

Vape Pens can Save you Money

Your initial investment might be a little higher than with rolling papers and a lighter (for example), but the efficiency of vaping helps your supply last longer and a well-made device can literally keep you vaping for years to come.

Vaporizer pens heat up quicker than dab rigs, and they are very user-friendly, making them a great option for those just getting started with vaping. Simply load up your substrate, and hold down the ignition button to heat up and vaporize your herb, oil, or juice. Replace or change vape parts easily.

Stealthy and Less Odor

Vape pens do not release a lot of odor. This means you won’t have to worry about bothering those around you, or worrying that the smell of your herbs will stick to your clothes, skin, or hair, making vape pens a discreet option for vaping in public.

Find the Right Vape Pen Today!

Vape pens can have just as much personality as you do! Pick a style that reflects you from the many options available! We carry more than just pens, you can see all of our vaporizers here. And if you need any help, don’t hesitate to reach out today!